Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Five Guerilla Marketing Tactics For Promoting an Internet Television Show

What is guerilla marketing? Guerilla Marketing is the use of low-cost niche marketing tactics. The tactics are designed to be cheap and easily implemented. Some are online, some are offline, but all are readily available to implement immediately.

1.) Bandit signs! This is by far the most effective way to generate interest fast.
You can purchase bandit signs online at or you can buy poster board or corrugated board and hand write your signs. Studies have shown that handwritten signs pull better results. This is because people think you took the time to 'personalize' your message to them. It's also, A LOT cheaper.

2.) Flyers- Passing out flyers around your town with information about your TV show will generate local interest in it.

3.) Contests! Hold a contest for your viewers... Offer a spot on your show in return for some kind of participation, submitting a show idea for instance.

4.) Press Releases, write a press release about your show and submit to your local newspapers and TV stations.

5.) Promotional items... pens, buttons, things people use with your show's logo or name on them. Pens are great because of how much they 'get passed around'.

There are a lot of guerilla marketing tactics that can be used to promote an Internet Television show. Use all of them that you learn about. Any one item used alone will produce results, but it's using all of them together as a system that sets apart the men from the boys.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Guerrilla Marketing - 4 Ways to Generate More Traffic Next Week

You can create more traffic for you and your business without spending any additional money on marketing. With guerrilla marketing, it is more about out-smarting the competition than it is about out-spending the competition. Boundless opportunities and countless positive effects on your business await you when you take advantage of the guerrilla- marketing concept. guerrilla Marketing is defined as unconventional marketing designed for low budgets and maximum impact. guerrilla marketing gets you and your company in front of future customers in the places that they frequent. Customers today are bombarded with traditional advertising and have become resistant and unaffected by it. Meaning: it is time to change the way you market.

Guerrilla marketing works when complimentary businesses agree to come together and take a cooperative approach to marketing their businesses. There are synergies between companies who serve a similar customer base. Identifying these synergies and getting to know one another's business are the first steps towards creating a lasting guerrilla marketing relationship. The possibilities are as vast as your imagination. Here are four guerrilla- marketing techniques that you can use to generate more traffic next week:

1. Thank-You Take-A-Way Packets

A thank-you take-a-way packet enhances your sale, helps validate the customer's purchase, and provides a valuable service to your customers while simultaneously thanks them for being your customer. The key to the take-a-way packet is to have something that is high quality and feels like a thank-you gift. It should, by no means, represent a selling piece. The thank-you take-a-way packet will vary depending on your type of business. For a high-end retail location we suggest using a small folder about the size of a half sheet of paper. On the outside of the folder should be an effective and professional design with the words "Thank You." Inside the folder should contain all the relevant paperwork associated with their purchase as well as all necessary information to make sure that their after purchase experience is pleasant and well informed.

This information should go on one side of the folder only. The other side of the folder is where you will put your pieces of value. Pieces of value can include anything that your customer will enjoy receiving. Successful examples include, a free appetizer at a local restaurant, free dry cleaning, a small book on a topic relevant to their purchase, or a small ad-specialty item from a complimentary business. The pieces of value will differ depending on the type of business that you are in. Use your imagination and have fun with it. These thank-you packets work because every company that is represented in your packet will reciprocate by including your piece of value in their packet. Therefore, you are quadrupling your exposure to customers from complimentary businesses in exchange for giving your customers something that they perceive as a gift.

2. Website Co-Branding

When you have a strong guerrilla partner network, you can use a similar approach with your website. The group of businesses can link their websites together in a way that 'provides value first'. Providing value first means that the link needs to be positioned in a way that is more than an advertisement. A good cooperative link on a website is more than just an advertisement. It must be something that would interest a customer. Examples include interesting tips, suggestions, or examples of how the customer can enhance their experience. For example, having an interior designer and a realtor provide design tips could add value and augment the experience of buying a new home.

3. Lunch and Learns

Whether you are a financial planner, a realtor, or a fitness expert, you have valuable information that people would love to hear about. When you provide value first and you provide value without expectation of something in return, a return is exactly what you will get. Office buildings love food -- especially free food. The lunch-and-learn program is a guerrilla marketing strategy that has been proven successful. The lunch and learn program is an educational lunch program for an office that would be sponsored by you or your company. The office personnel would gather and eat lunch while listening to your talk on something both valuable and interesting. Do not try to sell them anything; this should be treated as an opportunity to share valuable information that they can use. The best contact to set up these lunches is the office manager.

Most times the office will provide the lunch and you will provide the talk. If they do not provide lunch, you will be able to negotiate for a local restaurant to provide the lunch for free in exchange for some signage on the lunch table and their information in your packet that will accompany your presentation. Topics will naturally vary depending on your profession. If you are a financial planner you can give a talk on "10 things you can do now to guarantee financial security," "investing tips for the non-investor," or anything else that is both creative and interesting. After the mini seminar, ask "If anyone would like to hear more about (topic), just drop your business card in the basket at the front." You can also have a mini- book prepared on the subject and offer to send it free to anyone who is interested. You will leave with an established reputation in the field as well as a small stack of qualified leads with whom you have already established rapport and credibility.

4. Be A Guest Columnist In A Newsletter

There are networking organization newsletters, non-profit newsletters, and internal company newsletters. These newsletters are always looking for guest columnists that will provide a relevant and an interesting article. This technique is similar to the concept of the lunch and learns. Seek out these newsletters and offer to write a column. When they run your column, you will provide valuable and interesting information. By doing so you will be getting your name out into the community as an expert in your field. By having a brief bio at the end of the column, the readers who have an interest will have the information necessary to contact you for further information. You may even direct them to your website to download a small mini-book on the topic where you will capture their information for proper follow up.

The different types of guerrilla marketing are endless and are only limited by your imagination and willingness to get out in front of people. guerrilla Marketing is incredibly effective because the rapport that the partner business has already established with their customer is transferred to you and your company. When you successfully implement guerrilla marketing into your marketing plan, then your cost per lead will be significantly reduced while the quality of your traffic will dramatically increase.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Viral Marketing - A Promising Trend

Today's Competitive world has made the term marketing to have more familiarity in all our lives. Of course, the techniques of marketing will change but will not change the effect of it. Many companies have attempted many more techniques of marketing to influence the market. All innovations are will become obsolete in future. Even now many companies and their authorized agents, those who have used direct marketing, telemarketing, e-marketing etc., to intrude the market have started facing their problem. It's highly true that even those above stated techniques, will have to be changed as people have started expressing their grief towards the salespersons, telecallers and e-mail blogs. Influencing the customers has become complicated as many them feels marketing as one of the biggest headache. So it is high time for the marketers to use techniques that are lively to create a sense of trust among the customers.

About Viral marketing:
One such is Viral Marketing which has come in full swing. This will spread as fast as a Virus could do. Viral Marketing refers to the method of using the existing social networks to increase the level of brand awareness. It is being done in the forms of interactive and funny Flash games, interesting Video clips and even through text messages. This is also known as Buzz marketing or Word of Mouth Marketing. Because of the Human tendency to interact with all around, it is being strongly believed that any information delivered through this way will bare a layer of Credibility. So this technique is being highly valued by the Marketers.

It is true that a satisfied customer spreads his/her level of satisfaction about a product/ service to three people. A dissatisfied customer will spread his/her dissatisfaction about a product/service to eleven people. This general tendency is a base for viral marketing. Nowadays, marketers are more interested in finding out people who have strong Social networking Potential. After that, they are creating programs that convey their viral message through those people with an appealing effect. They never fail to make sure about the probability of the message being passed over.

Many companies who followed this technique have succeeded to a greater extent. After the intervention of Web 2.0, many web start-ups like Youtube, Myspace etc, have used this buzz marketing with the help of the social networks developed by themselves. Using Internet as a communication platform, this BUZZ has become even more powerful and useful for the Consumers. This has given rise to the services and tools called buzz monitoring, which is used for online Public Relations.

Marketers tend to focus over the development of Products and services, that creates positive buzz naturally. The biggest challenge for them would be in finding out an influencer, who has high level of authority and personal connection. The whole campaign stays on the shoulder of that influencer. The Influencer attempts to inject a positive buzz into a conversation, that happens naturally with in his surroundings. This creates a sense of Anxiety among target people, as the buzz is being created by an influencer who is highly relied upon. People obviously believe that the influencer, who speaks honestly and are unlikely to have secondary or ulterior motive.

It is highly unknown to the Target that the influencer receives incentives for his/her referrals. The emphasis would be more on the creation of beneficial and transparent conversations as per the requirements of Section 5 of the federal Trade commission act. It prohibits all sorts of activities that are conducted with a notion of deceiving the noble public. Being involved in Viral marketing, it is high time for the marketers to understand the difference between unfair and legitimate practices. Many more organizations have given their recommendations regarding Ethical conduct.

Viral marketing and Guerilla marketing:
All these buzz marketing/Viral marketing/Word of Mouth Marketing comes under a broad term called Guerrilla Marketing. It is a method where customers will no where feel the sense of marketing. Without knowing that they are being marketed into, emotionally, they will follow what they see. Of course, effective marketing creates interest. For example, a company might book an actor/actress/ a socially sound person. The company will ask them to use its product in a crowded area visibly in all the places where the target customers tend to assemble. That ambassador may even offer trial samples that are economically feasible to the target audience. This will stimulate them without even making them to realize that a marketing campaign is going on. This is done with a 'befriend' attitude and so it gives out a big impact. Both the Viral Marketing and Guerrilla marketing are same in all perspectives. But at times Guerrilla marketing may act as a start for Viral Marketing. A Word of Mouth Marketing may start from a Guerrilla campaign.

Why these techniques......?
A Consumer can stay away and free from all sorts of media but he can never put him out of people around him. A company can even send a salesperson door by door to create brand awareness and can make few sales. But, the ultimate motive of creating a sense of trust and Credibility will be in vein. But a Consumer subjected to Guerilla marketing will not only try that product, but also spreads it (buzz) to his/her circle. The financial risk associated with this is also very low, and so, it is a cost effective method. These undercover marketing methods are used when the traditional marketing methods becomes outdated. They will act as a new solution for the need of marketing.

There are few aspects behind screen which should not be revealed to the customers in these campaigns. A consumer's sense of trust is the main reason behind his/her purchase and recommendations. The consumer will really feel that as an unforced recommendation. The Influencer gets commission for every sale that he brings in. He is ultimately benefited by the company. But, these things are something called as off-the screen activities.

Innovation is the only way to stay alive in this world. Difference alone can make a difference. Differentiation is the best strategic way to create brand power. Such difference could be in the products, as well as in the way they are marketed. But, staying in tune with the creative ideas will keep the brand alive. Any new idea will become obsolete one day. But, it is wiser to change the trend of marketing once after a trend gets ruled out. Even this viral marketing will have to face a change over a due course of time. That's how the traditional marketing was ruled out. But, it is always better to get adhered with the marketing ethics before designing a marketing campaign to stay on the safer side.

Monday, July 19, 2010

What is Guerrilla Marketing?

The history of these battles is the history of guerrilla warfare. There are similar stories in business.
One example is that of the "Marlboro Man". Before the Marlboro Man, the Marlboro brand of cigarettes was ranked 31st - almost rock bottom. After the introduction of the Marlboro Man, and the guerrilla branding campaign to promote it, Marlboro became the #1 brand in a multi-billion dollar industry. It may shock you how many of the "big business" names (that are now household words) started out as struggling small businesses.

The history of the ascent of these icons is the history of guerrilla marketing.
Until 1984, the principles of guerrilla marketing were known only by a select few people in the world. They jealously kept this information quiet with almost fanatical secrecy. And who can blame them? If you had some special knowledge that allowed you to rise to the top of your field, would you want this information to be made public? Of course not!

The balance of power was dramatically upset by a maverick marketing genius named Jay Conrad Levinson - a man who is arguably the most respected marketer in the world.

He is the man who coined the term "guerrilla marketing" and introduced these secrets to the average Joe (like me). His concepts are so successful that he has published 27 books on the subject (in 37 languages), his books are required reading in the most respected MBA programs in the world, and he is now the most widely read and respected author of business books in the world.

And Jay did all this "from scratch". That is, the success of the "Guerrilla Marketing" brand is a testament to the very principles Jay himself teaches.

It just so happens that he is also one of the creators of the Marlboro Man. (Think what you will about tobacco, but you can not deny the power of the marketing behind Marlboro - arguably the most successful marketing campaign in history, and the most widely recognized brand in the world.)
So, what then, is Guerrilla Marketing all about?

Let's take a segment from Jay's new book "Guerrilla Marketing for the New Millennium" to learn:
"Marketing is absolutely every bit of contact any part of your business has with any segment of the public. Guerrillas view marketing as a circle that begins with your ideas for generating revenue and continues on with the goal of amassing a large number of repeat and referral customers.

"The three key words in that paragraph are EVERY, REPEAT, and REFERRAL. If your marketing is not a circle, it's a straight line that leads directly into Chapters 7, 11, or 13 in the bankruptcy courts.


"Guerrilla marketing means marketing that is unconventional, non-traditional, not by-the-book, and extremely flexible. Eighteen factors make it different from old-fashioned marketing: "

Jay then goes on to list 18 things that separate guerrillas from "mere mortals".

(See below for info on his new electronic book - it's recognized as his most powerful work yet - and can't be found in book stores.)

So, how then, does this information apply to those of us marketing on the Internet?

Far more than you think! The Internet is not just a new guerrilla battlefield - it's the *ultimate* guerrilla battlefield. There have been more small business mega-success stories in the last 5 years than in the combined history of business.

And there are clearly two factors that have influenced this more than anything:
1. The Internet
2. Guerrilla Marketing

Ever wonder why big businesses are totally blowing it online? Because they are not guerrilla thinkers!

These big bloated bureaucracies are sluggish and set in their ways. This means that someone like you can step in and out-maneuver them. (More and more big businesses are turning to small business entrepreneurs to teach them how to market online - the tables have turned!)

So, start thinking like a guerrilla right now. You have the advantage - all you have to do is take it.

Here's the definitive place to get started - where you will find an easy to follow step by step plan for launching a "guerrilla attack"! History is full of stories where tiny, unadvanced armies have handily defeated better equipped and much larger armies.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Online Guerrilla Marketing - Simple Rules to Success

As small business owners, we often do not have the advertising and promotion budget of most multinational corporations have - we cannot afford to splurge our money on big billboards right in the middle of a shopping street.

However, we can employ guerrilla marketing techniques - creative and unconventional marketing tactics to reach out to our target audience, often at a minimal cost. When these tactics are employed properly, these tactics can bring a good steady supply of traffic and leads to your website.

Most of these techniques, however, do take time. Here are some simple rules for success:

1. Focus on your objective and target audience - whenever you employ a new marketing technique, or start a new campaign, always be sure about how that technique is going to reach your target audience. If it does not link you up to more profits, then don't wait miracles to happen, or waste any more energy. Move on to the next tactic.

2. Plan your work, and work your plan - because you are essentially trying to be creative and trying to take your target audience by surprise, it also becomes easy for you to be led astray by your own actions. Be sure to always have a written plan on how things are going to be done, and follow your plan. If changes need to be made along the way, these changes need to deliberate and planned.

3. Keep track of your results - as you try out a variety of techniques, some will invariably work better than others. Learn from your own experiences and always keep track of what works and what doesn't. You can do this simply by starting a spreadsheet and documenting the date, activity and outcome.

4. Review, rinse and repeat - when you find a particular guerrilla marketing technique that works, quickly review what you have done exactly, and then rinse and repeat. Sometimes, a marketing technique will only work for the short term, for example, until your target audience gets fatigued of your "creativity". Roll out effective marketing techniques quickly to leverage on the market responses.

Proper implementation of guerrilla marketing techniques might not be easy, but it can well save a small business from folding. If you are a small business owner, consider implementing some of these creative marketing tactics today!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Guerrilla Marketing Ideas For Real Estate - 3 Affordable Marketing Ideas With Proven Results

I used to think that in order to market effectively as a Realtor, large amounts of money needed to be spent on marketing strategies such as events, flyer's or media exposure in order to see results. While those methods can be effective, I don't think that way anymore. Ever since I have become a experienced Internet marketer, I have seen first hand the proven methods that work well, and won't necessarily cost you a lot of money. Here are 3 affordable guerrilla marketing ideas for real estate that can boost your sales dramatically.

1. Internet Marketing: The world wide web has spread to millions of households, so naturally, the Internet is by far at the top of the list for guerrilla marketing ideas for real estate today. There are different types of affordable Internet marketing techniques such as video marketing, article marketing or blogging. Video marketing is a huge way to brand yourself as a Realtor. Just by posting some videos of yourself looking presentable and talking about creative home selling tips or even videos of the city you are living in and why it is a great place to live, can promote you worldwide. Article Marketing is another one of the guerrilla marketing ideas for real estate. You can write anything you want about real estate and the more articles you have, the more you look like a pro. Having your own website and promoting it is another excellent and affordable way to market. Once you have learned how to use the top Internet marketing techniques effectively, and know how to get them ranked high in the search engines, you can use them daily in your promotional efforts. Find a good training and mentoring program that will teach you how to do that.

2. Online Free Classifieds: In my experience, I have been finding that free sites such as Kijiji or Craigslist can produce major results which is why it is on my list of guerrilla marketing ideas for real estate. Writing a good Ad with all the attractive details of the property can bring you tons of potential buyers because thousands of people are turning to these sites instead of looking at local newspapers. It is a great way to advertise and the best part is its free.

3. Social Media: You would be surprised to find out how well social media works. Every real estate agent spends a huge amount of their time trying to reach and interact with people. Popular social sites such as Facebook and Twitter attract millions of users everyday so that is why it is one of my guerrilla marketing ideas for real estate. Word of mouth spreads quickly so if you have a good Facebook page that has creative content and shows how helpful you will be in the home buying process, you will have a lot of users join your page in a short period of time. You can also post contests, discussion boards, polls, free tips or up coming events to create interest.

If you want to take your real estate business to the next level and attract hundreds of buyers, you will put some time and effort into these guerrilla marketing ideas for real estate. The more content you get on the web, the more traffic will come to your website. Using keyword research is absolutely crucial if you want to see major results. As I mentioned above, I suggest finding a proven mentoring and training program that will teach you how to master Internet marketing and how to build and promote your business.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Guerilla Marketing is Not For the Timid

Do you want to be a guerilla marketer? Do you have the temperament to be a guerilla marketer? Are you ready for battle?

Jay Conrad Levinson popularized the term with his 1984 book, "Guerilla Marketing". He describes it as unconventional marketing. Some industry experts even questioned the ethics of this new form of marketing. Considering that this book was published more than 20 years ago can we really consider Jay Conrad's Guerilla Marketing new and unconventional today?

And more importantly should you consider using guerilla marketing tactics in your business today? Maybe - if you have the mind and heart for it.

Guerilla Warfare

To really understand guerilla marketing we need to examine the concept that it is based on - guerrilla warfare. For this lesson in warfare there might be no better book than "Guerrilla Warfare" (1961) by Che Guevara. Yes, that Che - the South American revolutionary who fought alongside Castro in Cuba and later died in Bolivia.

In his book Che clarifies some fundamentals of guerilla warfare that might help with modern marketing. Perhaps this is where Jay Conrad Levinson found the inspiration for his book. Let's see what lessons we can still apply.

Mobility and Flexibility

Che points out that the most important equipment for a guerilla army is boots. The guerilla army needs to move quickly on a moment's notice and be prepared for a long march over difficult terrain. A good supply of boots enables that mobility.

The guerilla marketer needs good boots. You need to be flexible to move and adapt to deal with threats and take immediate advantage of opportunity. A guerilla marketer takes mountain paths not the highway.

Unfair Competition

The guerilla army is massively outgunned by the opposing forces. The size and resources of the opposing forces grant them an unfair advantage over the guerilla army. The guerilla army learns to bob and weave instead of fighting toe-to-toe.

The only way for the guerilla marketer to win is to find and use an unfair advantage over the competition. You will not win when you fight head-to-head with your bigger competition. Instead, pick on their weakness. If they are big then emphasize your more personal service. If the competition has annoying return policies promote your no-hassle returns. Even their strengths can be used against them. For example if the competition advertises lower prices you promote greater value. Attack your competition where they are weakest.
Word of Mouth Marketing
A guerilla army cultivates popular support from the locals. The locals provide food, shelter and information to the guerilla army.

A guerilla marketer cultivates popular support from the marketplace. Word of mouth is often the most powerful form of marketing. The guerilla marketer builds relationships with clients and prospects to survive the ups and downs of the market.

A guerilla army is lead by popular leaders that spawn legends of their deeds. The guerilla marketer tells stories to inspire the guerillas and offer hope to the locals. The locals spread the legends of the great leader and hope for victory.

Legends and Story Telling

A guerilla marketer spawns stories and legends of the new exciting brand. The stories of going above and beyond normal expectations are spread by clients, prospects and the media. The guerilla marketer is not normal. She is controversial, unique and outspoken. She will infect staff and advocates with her passion and vision. Consider the guerilla marketing tactics and legends of Sir Richard Branson.

Strategy and Tactics

The guerilla army has a clear objective and supporting strategy. All tactics correspond to the strategy. The opposing forces often follow an unclear or outdated strategy. Tactics are prone to be the fad of the month.
The guerilla marketer takes the time to plan a clear strategy. Tactics are evaluated on congruence with the strategy. When you have a clear and solid strategy tactical decisions are easier and quicker.

The guerilla army is prepared and committed for a long fight. On the other hand the opposing forces are looking for a quick fix.

The guerilla marketer focuses on her goal beyond the horizon. She knows that there might be some bumps along the way. She is committed to her vision and gathers those about her to help reach the goal. She plans for the long win not the temptations of immediate gratification.

The guerilla army strikes and runs away. They could not survive a major toe-to-toe battle. They accept the small wins, regroup and move to fight another day.

The guerilla marketer never invests all her assets on one fight. She knows to take her gains and minimize her looses. It's not necessary to win every battle. The guerilla marketer understands that the real goal is to win the hearts and minds of the marketplace.

If you are ready to be an effective guerilla marketer, get yourself a good pair of boots.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

7 Steps to Becoming a Guerilla Marketer

A staggering 85% of small businesses destined for failure bite the bullet or go bankrupt during their first five years. The remaining businesses that hang in there only break even: only 4% of new businesses make a sizable profit after 5 years.

Lack of marketing savvy is one of the main reasons this happens. Marketing is a waste of time and money if you are not attuned to the real world. Reality is that your clients and prospects are constantly being bombarded with cut-rate pricing, new products and services and enticing offers everyday. Successful marketing can not happen in a vacuum and does not have to cost millions.

Instead, businesses can have a very successful marketing program on very little budget if they do it the right ways. During a recent teleseminar for the Internet Master Series, Jay Conrad Levinson outlined a seven sentence marketing plan for listeners. The plan should take no more than five minutes to write and marketers should revisit the plan every 6 months.

The plan should follow this outline:
1) Define the physical action you want your target audience to take. For example do you want them to buy things, respond to a promotion, click on your website, call your 800# etc. By listing this out you can start to refine your message and determine how to reach your targets.
2) Define your competitive advantage that you will stress to get them to take this action step.
3) Define your target audience or audiences. Marketers often overlook key audiences so make sure that you list them all.
4) Define the marketing weapons you are going to use to get your message out. There are 100 ways to market and 63 of them are no cost. You need to select the things that you will do to get your message to your target audience.
5) Define your unique position, what is your niche in the marketplace.
6) Define your identity. Your identity must be steeped in the truth and stem from a place of trust.
7) Know your budget. Express this as a percentage of gross sales. The average business in the U.S. only spend 4 percent of their gross sales on marketing This is a key reason most businesses fail in the first five years.

Just as in a good marriage, marketers need to do everything with commitment. Mediocre marketing with commitment will do far better than great marketing without commitment.

By following a simple discipline of guerilla marketing and launching a savvy marketing campaign, you can tip the scales in your favor and be one of the survivors.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Guerrilla Marketing, Ideas That Will Get You More Sales

There are many small business marketing strategies that when implemented will get you lots more new business. However as you are considering various sales prospecting techniques, it is important to also remember what not to do. Here is the most the common mistake small businesses make with their marketing. If you avoid this, your small business marketing solution will pay off with lots more new clients.

The most important trap to avoid is to make sure you do not focus on activities rather than developing a business development process. Here's the scenario. Business is a bit slow so Mort the Business Owner wakes up one morning and says to himself, "It's about time we got some new business." So when Mort arrives at the office he immediately puts in place his Marketing Strategy. "Let's make some cold calls. Or write some letters. Or update the database. Or write an article." The list goes on and on.

What Mort has done (which virtually all of us do at some point or another) is to confuse activities with strategy. But why is this a problem? Well let's say that Mort sends out some letters or emails. And maybe a few people respond. And maybe Mort actually calls one or two of them. But then he gets busy (or decides that following-up really isn't that much fun) and he lets the leads grow mold.

Now obviously that's a waste. But here's what's even more wasteful. What do you think the reaction will be from those who responded the first time, when Mort decides to send them another letter during the next slow season? Probably not much.

Getting people to raise their hand and self identify themselves as having interest in your services is a time tested method for effective business development. But whatever method you use to make people aware of who you are and what you do is simply an activity. Sending letters. Making cold calls. Writing articles. Giving a speech. None of these are your marketing strategy. They're parts of your marketing strategy. It's important to always remember that they are simply activities.

A marketing strategy has three components to it. A method for making people aware of you. A method for capturing data about those people, and a method for staying in touch. When you have those three components linked together, then you have a marketing process. When they're not, then all you have is just have a bunch of activities. And the results speak for themselves.

One of the main reasons that marketing fails to yield the results we want is because we focus on the wrong things at the wrong time. If you start to drive traffic when your marketing trap is not established, the result will be that visitors will simply bounce off your site. That is a great waste of money, time and energy. Thus, make sure you're thinking about a marketing system rather than focusing on marketing activities.